Dette har du krav p? 08-08.10 Til havna med taxi 09-12.40 Tanger til Tarifa med ferge (to timer tidsforskjell) Havna i Tanger er omtrent som ryktet. Det er pushere overalt, og alt haster: fort deg, gi meg passet, l?p bort dit n?, jeg kan veksle for deg, skynd deg det blir k?. N?r vi sitter p? soldekket, venter vi likevel over en time f?r fergen g?r. Saken fortsetter under bildet .... Where to go for Autumn vacations. Sp?rsm?l fra: Bruce Stratton | Svar fra: Mona Langset ...
Danny Fergen Says: at 8:25 am. Ann, Karen, Jack & rest of the family. My prayers are with each of you. Everyone has shown an amazing testimony of faith, and the lives that you lived are a true testament to the life that Christ wants each of ..... to think of you and pray for you as you keep fighting on with such grace. Please do not hesitate if there is (by chance) something I can do? (I can certainly provide an equatorial vacation, but that may not be interesting (-; ). ...
3 Bob Fergen { 07.29.10 at 11:14 pm }. Daryl; What I have is what could be the first off grid community of substantial size. 160 acres with a water source could provide the site for this self contained community . ...